We are a family of kingdom-minded, missionally motivated churches working together to amplify the hope + life of Jesus to all.
We’re all about the numbers. the right ones. the ones that make heaven stop and rejoice. The story of response to the mercy and love of Jesus is unfolding right before us and we full hope and wonder for what God is doing.
We are one Church in Christ, scattered across the globe, making the best decision for the global Church over a local church.
We are diversified in our expression. While sharing a common corporate brand, at local levels, we practice a house of brands rather than a branded house approach.
We are synchronized in our mission and vision. We are also synchronized in seven essential processes and systems. Together our goal to “Amplify the Hope and Life of Jesus to All” is enabled as we intentionally live With God, In Community and On Mission.
We are decentralized in our leadership and ministries. Major decisions sit with the campus pastor rather than a central location.
We are localized in our campuses. We have a meta-national mindset. Meta-national sets itself apart by means of a mindset that taps into localized knowledge and leadership.
Sunday 9:15 AM & 11:00AM
Wednesday Youth 6:30PM
Interested in your church becoming a part of the Water's Edge family? Take your first step by emailing us.
God is on the move and we can't wait to see what He will do through you and the Water's Edge family of churches.